Call For Letters of Intent:
The Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG), Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA), and Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Michigan are delighted to announce a three-year, $950,000 funding opportunity to support a multicenter pragmatic clinical trial in perioperative anesthesiology. The trial should be designed to answer a compelling clinical question around which clinical equipoise exists and can be ethically addressed without individual patient consent.
The award will be made to a single clinical coordinating center (CCC) that is an MPOG active member. The MPOG Data Coordinating Center (DCC) at the University of Michigan will act as the trial DCC. In addition to direct financial support from IMPACT ($700,000) for the CCC and performance sites, MPOG will provide support in-kind ($250,000) as the DCC with technical, clinical informatics, and statistical support.
The award will be made in a phased manner with a Year 1 Feasibility Phase ($100,000) and milestone-based progression to Years 2-3 Full Scale Phase ($300,000 per year).
Interested applicants with faculty appointments at active MPOG center(s) should provide a 2-page Letter of Intent (LOI), from which applications will be selected to provide full proposals. An optional informational webinar and Q&A for interested applicants will be held on Aug 18, 2023 from 1-2pm EST to address questions which may arise about the application process, programmatic goals, or feasible approaches.
The webinar can be accessed at:
The webinar recording, full application details, and frequently asked questions will be made available on the MPOG website at
The full application instructions are available at: CLICK HERE FOR FULL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
The deadline for LOI submissions will be 8pm ET on September 22nd. Subsequently invited full proposals will be reviewed by external Subject Matter Expert (SME) reviewers in a manner consistent with NIH guidelines.
Key Dates:
- Aug 18, 2023: Optional informational webinar and Q&A (will be recorded)
- Sep 22, 2023: Mandatory 2-page Letter of Intent (LOI) submitted by 8pm ET
- Sep 27, 2023: LOI scoring opens
- Oct 6, 2023: LOI scoring closes 8pm ET
- Oct 16, 2023: MPOG Executive Board Invites approximately 5-8 LOIs for solicitation of full proposal
- Dec 15, 2023: Final full proposals submitted to MPOG Coordinating Center by 8pm EST
- Jan 19, 2024: Up to three finalists contacted, summary statements released, additional info requested
- Feb 9, 2024: Additional information response window closes at 8pm ET
- Feb 23, 2024: MPOG Executive Board endorses winning proposal
- July 1, 2024: Year 1 Feasibility Phase Start
- May 1, 2025: MPOG Executive Board reaches decision on suitability for progression to Full-Scale Phase
- July 1, 2025: Year 2 Full Scale Phase Start (if approved)
Past Recipients

Matthieu Legrand, MD, PhD
The choice of vasopressors for treating hypotension during General Anesthesia : a pilot pragmatic cluster cross-over randomized trial (the VEGA-1 trial)
Professor in Residence
Department of Anesthesia and Peri-operative Care
University of California, San Francisco

Karim Ladha, MD
The Comparison of Analgesic Regimen Effectiveness for Surgery (CARES) Trial
Assistant Professor & Staff Anesthesiologist
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital

David Mazer, MD
TRICS IV-Restrictive versus Liberal Transfusion in Younger Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Associate Scientist & Professor
St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto

Robert Schonberger, MD, MHS
Improving population health via the surgical encounter: Targeting underuse of statins
Associate Professor
Yale University – School of Medicine

Michael Aziz, MD
Optimized Opioid Management or Usual Treatment to Reduce Persistent Opioid Use Following Surgery (OPT-OUT).
Anesthesiology & Preoperative Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University

Randall Blank, MD, PhD
Individualized Intraoperative Protective Ventilation using an Open Lung Approach with Driving Pressure Limitation.
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Chief, Thoracic Anesthesia
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Virginia Health System

Frederic T. (Josh) Billings IV, MD, MSc
Intraoperative Normoxia versus Hyperoxia during Maintenance Anesthesia to Reduce Postoperative Complications.
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Medicine
Co-director, BH Robbins Scholars Physician-Scientist Development Program
Vanderbilt University